Scarlett Johansson Miss Al Capone


Scarlett Johansson to work as a Villan in her new movie. Its said that Scarlett wanted a change in her acting and she was tired of playing bubly roles so that is why she was looking for such roles. There had been times before where hollywood celebrities have played negative roles but they all got a lot of appreciation. Now this time its Scarlett Johannson.

Scarlett Johannson also hopes that its not a villan role but also takes her into action mode. She said that she wants to be like wonder woman or Lara Croft. Its been ages that she was waiting for just role and finally she got it. The name of the movie and director has been kept secret. But its said that she will do some actions scenes as well. These actions scene will be of high hardwork. She is at the moment working out and getting into shape as she believes she is a little over weight for this role.

The rumors say that she will be playing a Sci-Fi cop who becomes and evil during the course of time and kills innocent people for money. Other co stars of the movie have also been kept secret but there are rumors that Matt Damon might be a part of this movie.

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