Alex Rodriguez deny's drugs usage


There are rumors that Alex Rodriguez is going to be released from his New York Yankees contract due to the immense pressure of use of drugs by Alex Rodriguez. New York Yankees made a contract with Alex which worth around 260 million dollars for 10 years. There were rumors that he is using drugs and it was becoming a pressure threshold for the New York Yankees management.

Previously as well Alex had admitted that in 2003 he had used performance enhancing drugs because of performance pressure. In that regard the Yankees management is thinking of removing him from the contract. Already he is considered to be one of the highest money making machine and if this happens it would be a great set back for Yankees.

The media is pressurizing the management to speak out the truth. Yet to be an official report to come out but the pressure is making the mangement and Alex Rodriguez rethink. Some are saying that they might make a fake injury to Alex Rodriguez so that the contract could not be terminated.

Regardless of drugs use rumors Alex Rodriguez is no doubt a performance player and he has shown in the last 10 years that he is the best and is always on the top of his game. There is no denying of his talent. Hopefully these are just rumors and no problem would occur to the mangement and the player.

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