Adele Silva

Adele Silva is a 30 years old Model.
She was born in Croydon, London, England, under the name Adele Silva.
Adele Silva's birthday is November 19, 1980 & Her star sign is Scorpio.
Her height is 5' 1¾" (157 cm), She has a Blonde hair & Brown - Dark Eyes.
Her nickname is: Squeak
Her studied Sylvia Young Theatre School
Her most famous trademark is: Playing Kelly Windsor in Emmerdale
Adele Silva's build is Dancing.
From:United Kingdom
Chicks She's Worked With:
Lucy Pargeter, Emily Symons, Deena Payne, Jenna Louise Coleman, Sammy Winward, Roxanne Pallett, Georgia Slowe, Verity Rushworth, Linda Lusardi, Barbara Windsor
Adele Silva heritage, hair and eye color, weight and height.