Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving is a time to think about all of the things you are thankful for. Even though I can think of a lot of things that I am thankful for here are a quick ten.


I am always thankful for my family. They are here for me whenever I need any help. They take care of me when I am sick and help me get to feeling better. We also go on AMAZING shopping trips, like I did this past weekend with my oldest sister.


I am thankful for my friends because they always have my back. We have such great times together.

My family and friends help me create so many wonderful memories.


I am thankful for Fridays, because they offer a much needed rest and chance to have fun.


Cats are my favorite animal. I am so thankful for my sweet little cat. He looks similiar to the ones in the photos above.

While, some people may wish they never had to do math at all, I LOVE MATH!
I am so thankful my wonderful job involving math, it is a job that I love so much.


I am very thankful for scrapbooking. This is a great hobby and a way to showcase wonderful memories.


I am thankful for cameras because they provide me with lots and lots of photos, that I can pick from when making scrapbooking pages.


Libraries are simply fantastic. I am so thankful to them for providing me with an escape from reality in the form of a good book.

"Just Because" Cards

I love receiving cards. I know most of receive cards for birthdays and for Christmas, but I am most thankful for "just because" cards. Cards that provide you with a good laugh or that wish you a great day.

Our Followers

One new thing that I am thankful for, that I have never had a reason to be thankful for before are our blog followers! This is the first Thanksgiving that we have had a blog, so it is the first time we have had blog followers to be thankful for.

What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?


Via: WeHeartIt