Teddy Bear

I can remember when I was really little and I had a favorite Teddy Bear, it was a plum purplish color with a black nose. I loved that Teddy Bear and was reminded of him today, when I learned that it was National Teddy Bear Day. I remember snuggling up to him at night before going to sleep. As a young child my Teddy Bear was a great friend and provided comfort and companionship whenever I needed. Looking online I have found more quotes than I can share, that express how every child feels about their Teddy Bear.
"Teddy bears like to go on morning picnics in the summertime, so they can enjoy the sunshine before it it too hot for their furry selves."
-Abigail Darling
"Bears need people. People need bears."
-Pam Brown
"In a world where everyone seems to be larger and louder than yourself, it is very comforting to have a small, quiet companion."
-Peter Gray
"There's just something about a Teddy Bear that's impossible to explain. When you hold one in your arms, you get a feeling of love, comfort and security. It's almost supernatural."
-James Ownby

"Age simply doesn't enter into it! The older the friend, the more he is valued, particularly when he shows so visibly the characteristics that we all look for in friends. You have only to look at a genuine teddy's face to see at once the loyalty, common sense, and above all, dependability behind it."
-Peter Bull

"Wake in the deepest dark of night and hear the driving rain. Reach out a hand and take a paw and go to sleep again."
-Charlotte Gray
"Bears sleep by day. At night they stay awake to chase away bad dreams."
-Jesse O'Neil

Did you have a favorite Teddy Bear or stuffed animal as a child?


Via: WeHeartIt