Tips on Setting Goals - Your Singapore 4D3D2D

RT - The ability to set and achieve goals can have a big impact on the quality of your life and the level of your happiness. There are just too many people who live a life that is well below the quality that they truly want. Most people set goals but not everyone actually achieves them. There can be many reasons for this but let's focus on how to correctly set goals in order to maximize your chances of actually achieving them. There are several things you will need to do whenever you create a goal to go after.

The first thing you will want to do is to make sure the goal you have is specific. The more specific it is,

the better your chances of achieving it. Most people will say things like they want to lose weight or they want more money. Although these statements are headed in the right direction, it's not enough. You must know exactly how much weight you want to lose or how much money you want to make. If your goal is to get a new car, you must know exactly what model, color, and make it is. If you want a new house then you must know how many rooms it will have, square feet, location, and so on. The more specific you can get, the better.

RT - The next thing you will want to do is to make sure you give yourself a deadline. Merely wanting a goal, even a specific one isn't enough. If you don't set a deadline, you won't have much of a reason to take action right away. What do you think would happen if a teacher gave an assignment to a class of students and didn't give them a deadline? Chances are, most of them wouldn't even bother to get started since there is no pressure for them to do so. Yes, this will put some pressure on you but it's a good thing.

From here, what you will need to do is to schedule out your action steps. Having a specific goal and even putting a deadline on it will help but unless you schedule in your action steps, it may still be hard to actually achieve your goals. Saying you will do something and actually putting it on your calendar are two different things. Most people have a tendency to procrastinate so it can be easy to wait until the last minute to do what needs to be done. By scheduling in what needs to be done on a specific day and time, you will be more inclined to do it.