Excellent Keyword Research Tool! - Facebook

Hello Everyone!
I wanted to make sure you don't miss this free tool for keyword research from Noble Samurai!
Download Market Samurai Free Version Here!
I know I already told some of you about Market Samurai but as some of you have not had the chance to try it yet I decided to do another mailing.
If you don't know what keyword research is or why you need it here's the short version:
Lets say that you sell dog collars. Your main keyword for attracting search engine traffic and for pay per click campaigns might then be "dog collars" and "dog collar".
But is there any other keywords that people out to buy a dog collar would search for on a search engine?
That's what a keyword research tool is good for. You input "dog collar" and the tool generates a list of related keywords for you that are likely to be used by the same people searching for dog collars.
By entering the keyword "dog collar" into Market Samurai  and clicking Generate Keyword I get back a list of nearly 200 related keywords including the cost per click on AdWords which is a good indicator of commercial value of  a keyword.
Here's a few of the keywords generated:
dog collars
dog harness
dogs collars
dog leash (maybe you should sell a leash too)
dog training collar
pet collar
dog bark collar
leather collar
cat collars (a keyword to avoid if you sell dog collars)
electronic dog collar
pink dog collar
reflective dog collar
As you can see the list can both give you ideas of new products to carry in your store (based on what people are actually searching for) and also gives you alternative keywords that are used to search for the same thing "dog collar" vs "dogs collars"
The keywords can be used to make new ad groups in your PPC campaigns or you can have someone do link building to your site using the new keywords you generate.
Download the free version of Market Samurai here! 
And don't be afraid to give them your email address, Nobel Samurai is a reputable company and just like us they will let you unsubscribe at any time!
Simon Byholm
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