Get the Lead Out II

Here are my pieces for Get the Lead Out II, curated by Swoon Gallery, happening this coming Saturday, August 28th!

Both pieces are $100 each; also for sale will be smaller framed studies for each piece.

Facebook invite info:

August 28 · 6:00pm - 10:00pm

a one night only pop-up show at ronin gallery
4210 santa monica blvd
Los Angeles, CA

swoon gallery is proud to announce the upcoming exhibition, “get the lead out II”, featuring artist sketches, pen & ink drawings, watercolors and finished paintings.

incredible art comes from deep within the depths of one's imagination. this exhibition is about showcasing those ‘deep thoughts’ as they are sketched out on paper before becoming a final work. each artist pours his emotions into his work, and it all stems from a single thought, idea, dream or memory.... in essence, it is a moment in time captured on paper.

a wide array of artists & styles are shown in this exhibition. each demonstrates a unique vision and structure with their illustrative roots. artists were asked to submit a variety of works that show these beginnings and often tossed out "sketches" that are drawn before a final work is created.

artworks are priced at $500 or less, with at least one work priced at $100 or less from each artist.

please email to be placed on the preview list.